The Russians named the amount necessary for happiness

To feel happy, Russians need 178 thousand rubles a month

For happiness, Russians need to earn an average of 178 thousand rubles per month. This amount was named by the participants in the SuperJob service survey. Excerpts from it are quoted by RBC.

In total, since the beginning of the year, the amount has grown by 12 thousand rubles. But so far the indicator has not reached the record value of 2017: then the Russians said that to be happy they need to receive 184 thousand rubles a month. Men need more money for happiness than women: 203 thousand versus 155 thousand rubles. The perceptions of income vary by region: Muscovites have the most requests: they need 228 thousand rubles a month to be happy. Vladivostok is behind Moscow: happiness there was estimated at 204 thousand rubles.

As Olga Lebedinskaya, associate professor of the Department of Statistics of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, said, the salary “for happiness” is a psychological assessment. The statistician called the salary “for happiness” an indicator of self-esteem and self-awareness of citizens. This indicator is determined by the age, gender and place of residence of citizens. “The older a person is, the more funds are required. Expanding the spectrum of needs increases the desired income by 50-60 percent by age 45, ”she explained.

