Lukashenko appreciated the idea of ​​a single currency of Russia and Belarus

President of Belarus Lukashenko refused to discuss the issue of a single currency with Russia

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko appreciated the idea of ​​creating a common currency with Russia … This is reported by RIA Novosti.

According to him, this is a higher level of integration, to which the two countries have not yet approached, and so far there is no need to raise this issue.

Come on – we will decide … You should come to this question step by step

Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus, Moscow was also not ready for a single currency

In September, the press secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin Dmitry Peskov denied assumptions about the imminent creation of a single currency for Russia and Belarus. According to him, there is no talk of such a form of economic integration of the two countries. He added that the issue of creating a single parliament is also not relevant.

Earlier, the head of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs Leonid Kalashnikov said that the common currency of the two countries could appear in a year and a half. He stressed that the very idea of ​​a Union State presupposes both a parliamentary body and a common currency. According to him, such a step, as well as the creation of a single parliament for the two states, will require serious changes, including at the level of constitutions.

Rubles to rubles

In May, it was reported that Minsk would place bonds in Russia for 100 billion Russian rubles. The government of the country was instructed to carry out in 2021-2023 the attraction of external government loans of the Republic of Belarus by issuing government securities in the territory of the Russian Federation as government debt obligations with a maturity of at least 1,092 days. The corresponding decree of Lukashenka was issued “with the aim of refinancing the external state debt of the Republic of Belarus.”

The state debt of Belarus reached $ 22.8 billion, which is 36.2 percent of GDP. Most of the new borrowings are used to pay off and restructure existing debt, and not to develop the economy.

Related materials 12:44 – September 10 “We can quickly resolve all issues” Lukashenko agreed to integration with Russia. What will the Union State be like? 00:01 – 15 November

The Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD), through which Russia provided Belarus with a billion dollars in loans, insisted on cutting directed lending. The country has been doing this for four years, but in 2020 it rolled back.

There is no limit to integration

On November 4, Lukashenka said that the Union State for Minsk is “a priority of priorities.” The head of the republic noted that together with Moscow, a unique integration model was created, “thanks to which equal rights of Belarusians and Russians are ensured,” as well as the deepening of economic interaction between the countries.

Lukashenko also stated that there are no limits to the integration of Belarus with Russia. “No process has any limits. Sounds philosophical, but it is, “the Belarusian leader said, adding that” there are no limits “to the integration of countries.

At the same time, it became known earlier that Belarus” lost “the plan for the implementation of the union program on the communications market. Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko said this during a meeting with the head of the Russian government Mikhail Mishustin. He noted that to date, all integration programs have been signed, except for one. According to him, Minsk does not have a plan for its implementation, since it “remained on the Russian side.” Mishustin noted that he had previously discussed this issue with the head of the Ministry of Digital Science Maksut Shadayev. “According to our information, they sent it. Today we'll find out then, ”he added. In response, Golovchenko suggested that all plans for the implementation of union programs be considered approved.



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