Nutritionist spoke about the consequences of daily consumption of kiwi

Nutritionist Drobysheva: kiwi helps in the prevention of heart disease and oncology

According to Drobysheva, this fruit helps in the prevention of heart disease and oncology, because the most useful property of the product is the burning of fats that block arteries. Kiwi, the expert believes, is necessary for people with impaired lipid metabolism. It is rich in vitamins C and B6 and folic acid, therefore it is effective in the prevention of vitamin deficiency. “It also stimulates collagen production and prevents premature graying of hair. It can be safely called a product of youth and beauty, “the specialist said.

She added that the fruit is especially useful for pregnant women. The potassium in kiwi helps your baby's heart function and aids in iron absorption. You should avoid eating kiwi if you have stomach diseases in the acute stage, allergies or a tendency to diarrhea.

Earlier, the doctor and nutritionist Maria Tikhomirova spoke about the beneficial properties of onions. According to her, this vegetable has antibacterial and antiviral effects, contains sulfur, which helps with detoxification. In addition, onions are a source of vitamin C and stimulate digestion and remove excess fluid.



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