US court rejects claim of ex-Yukos shareholders against Russia

The US Court of Appeal rejected the claim of the ex-shareholders of Yukos against Russia for $ 50 billion Yukos to Russia for $ 50 billion. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the court ruling.

It is clarified that the court granted the petition of the defendant in the person of Russia and rejected the petition of the ex-shareholders to review the decision of the lower court regarding the payment of compensation. “The petition was granted, the case was closed,” the ruling says.

Earlier, Russia asked a court in the US District of Columbia not to reopen the case on payment of compensation to former Yukos shareholders until the proceedings in the Netherlands were completed. Thus, Moscow, in response to a petition to reopen the process, noted that the suspension of proceedings in this case is appropriate and fully justified, since further proceedings may be fruitless if Russia wins a final victory in Holland or any further appeals to the Supreme Court of the Netherlands.

In November, it was reported that the Supreme Court of the Netherlands overturned the decision on the payment by Russia of more than fifty billion dollars to the former shareholders of Yukos and decided to revise it. The official statement said that the court ruled in Russia's favor and overturned the order to pay compensation to the three former major shareholders of the oil company. The explanatory note states that, for procedural reasons, the Hague Court of Appeal erroneously ignored Russia's argument that the shareholders allegedly committed fraud in the arbitration procedure, and therefore did not issue a decision on the merits.



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