The United States announced its readiness to impose new sanctions against Russia over Ukraine

Jen Psaki: US contacts with Ukrainians and Russians about possible sanctions

sanctions against Russia over Ukraine. RIA Novosti reports her words.

According to Psaki, the American side is in contact with Russia and Ukraine on the situation on the border of these countries. She stressed that the United States is ready to use sanctions against Russia. “We are in direct contact with Ukrainians and Russians about what these tools might be,” she added.

Psaki noted that the United States was clear about its “concerns about threatening rhetoric” from Russia and “about reports of an increase in the number of troops on the border. ”

Earlier, US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said that Washington could impose unprecedented sanctions on Russia if Moscow takes any action aimed at destabilizing the situation in Ukraine. She also stressed that not only the United States, but all NATO members are ready to support Ukraine.

