Scientists have proved the reality of the ten mythical creatures

Scientists have proved the reality of the ten mythical creatures

In particular, according to American researchers, hobbits lived in Indonesia, and dragons in Australia.

American scientists have compiled a list of mythical creatures that they claim, existed in reality. This was reported by “FAN”.

Studies have proven that at one time the earth actually lived ten “fantastic creatures”

So, according to experts from Washington, almost 12 thousand years ago on Earth there lived a hobbit. In an Indonesian cave were found skeletons of beings, the growth of which does not reach the meter.

Dragons, according to the authors of the study, posed a real threat to Australian aborigines. In ancient manuscripts describe them as eight-meter lizards, the mouth of which stood out deadly acid.

Real scientists thought, and the Kraken that lived in the Indian ocean, and monsters Scylla and Haribda, who lived in the Spanish area.

Amazon, according to the researchers, were ordinary women, but is seriously superior physical strength of men. Also there is evidence of life of the Cyclopes, basilisks, and griffins.

The opinions of researchers do not coincide only with regard to the origin and classification of the Yeti.

Also found traces of pre-existing Moby-dick — huge whale of a fictional killer.

Top real fabulous creatures also got direwolves — predators, which is several times more than their descendants of wolves. In addition, scientists are encouraged to believe in unicorns, griffins, Cyclops and Basilisk.

In the mythical characters of all of these creatures have turned themselves people who just exaggerated their power and added a little mystery, the scientists.

