The State Duma responded to the words of Kuleba after Lukashenka's statement about Crimea

Deputy Zatulin said that Kuleba's words after Lukashenko's statement about Crimea are worthless

If the Crimea is officially recognized by Belarus, it costs nothing and is an empty threat. This is how the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Konstantin Zatulin answered them, RIA Novosti writes.

cases “. According to Zatulin, the Ukrainian authorities have already abandoned special relations with Belarus, in addition, they will not be able to bring any additional problems to the president of the republic without harming themselves.

“The words of Kuleba in today's situation, when Ukraine is living either in anticipation of a coup, or martial law, judging by the statements of the President of Ukraine, they cost nothing and can be reduced to zero, “concluded Kuleba.

Earlier, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine said that Kiev will assess the actions of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko regarding Crimea, not his words, however, if Minsk really recognizes the peninsula as Russian, the Ukrainian authorities will act “in full.”

Lukashenko recognized Crimea as Russian de facto and de jure. At the same time, the head of state spoke about his visit to the peninsula. A trip there together with Russian President Vladimir Putin will mean the recognition of Crimea as Russian territory, the head of the republic emphasized.

