Twitter has banned posting personal content without user consent

Twitter decided to remove personal content if the user did not consent to its publication

The social network Twitter decided to prohibit the sharing of personal photos and videos of users without their consent. The management of the social network will remove such content if a complaint about the post is received from the first person or his representative. This is reported in the official blog of the company.

It is noted that the innovation is necessary to preserve privacy when publishing personal content, since women, activists and dissidents, as well as representatives of minorities, can be especially affected by violations.

“When we receive notification from the persons portrayed or an authorized representative that they have not given their consent to the publication of their personal image or video, we will remove it,” the message says. Twitter users can “Report a Tweet,” and then select “This is offensive or dangerous,” or “Includes personal information,” to notify the social media site of a policy violation.

The statement also states that such action do not apply to photos or videos taken at public events – sporting events or protests. As noted by the company, the new changes in social network policy comply with human rights standards and will help prevent doxing – the publication of private information on the Internet with malicious intent.

The name of the new head of Twitter was previously announced. Parag Agrawal was unanimously approved by the board of directors as CEO of the American company. Previously held by Jack Dorsey, an entrepreneur and software architect.

