The condition for the transition of Russians to environmentally friendly transport is named

Morozov: Russians will be interested in ecological transport only after the creation of a network of charging and filling stations

charging and refueling infrastructure. This condition was named by the deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Alexander Morozov, in an interview with Kommersant. In his opinion, not only the state should invest in their creation, but also the automakers themselves.

To switch to ecotransportation, Russians must have all the conveniences for charging their electric cars and refueling hydrogen vehicles. “I'm sure none of the electric vehicle users and fans of green vehicles will charge it for eight hours, everyone will demand fast charging. And while there are no charges, there will be no demand for electric vehicles. So it is with hydrogen, “Morozov explained.

After the infrastructure is organized, it will be possible to open production facilities and localize e-transport in Russia, the deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade believes. However, in order to interest consumers, carmakers must help the government and invest in additional charging and refueling networks.

Morozov cited the situation on the market in Germany as an example. In promoting the introduction of electric vehicles, the German authorities decided to install charging stations on major highways and in major cities at regular intervals. But this was not enough to create high demand. “Car manufacturers, after doing a lot of sociological research, have come to the conclusion that their client will never buy an electric car if there is no charging along its traditional travel routes at intervals of a maximum of 400 kilometers. And then Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes created a consortium, which began to supply additional charges. But not where the state is already co-investing, “said the deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Speaking about private investments, Morozov mentioned the plans of the state-owned company Rosatom to invest in the production of hydrogen fuel cells and storage batteries, as well as Gazprom's intention become an investor in the production and purification of hydrogen. “In my opinion, if, for example, Gazprom or Rosatom want to develop this area, they should participate on an equal basis with others. Let's see who will be faster, who will be faster. The same applies to carmakers, “he said.

In the summer it became known that by 2024 Russia will produce 25 thousand domestic electric cars and 9 thousand charging stations. According to the plan of the authorities, by 2030 the share of electric vehicles in the country should be at least ten percent, the number of charging stations should reach 72 thousand, and the number of hydrogen refueling stations – one thousand. In addition, Russia intends to produce hydrogen fuel cells of its own production.



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