FSB came with searches to the Russian morgue

FSB operatives came to the Orenburg morgue with a search On Wednesday, December 1, the site 56orb.ru reports.

According to the newspaper, operational measures were carried out in the funeral hall and in the department for paperwork. At this time, the special forces ensured the safety of the employees, controlling the perimeter. After the completion of all the measures, the materials were transferred to the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the initiation of a criminal case.

However, it is not yet known under which article the case was initiated. According to Izvestia, a number of media outlets wrote that a few months ago a conflict broke out in the forensic medical services of Orenburg.

On November 25, it was reported that large-scale searches were carried out at the Sevastopol market in Moscow, initiated by the FSB.



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