The seller persuaded a woman to buy a product and made her rich

A woman in Australia succumbed to the seller's persuasion and hit the lottery jackpot

A resident of the Australian city of Brisbane, Queensland, gave in goods and became rich by hitting the jackpot in the lottery. This was reported by the UPI news agency.

The woman said that she went to the store to buy a lottery ticket, which she usually took, but the seller persuaded her to make a different choice and play a different lottery.

The Australian stressed that she has never participated in this lottery before, but is glad that she succumbed to the persuasion of a store employee. Later, she learned that she could win 1.4 million Australian dollars (74.6 million rubles). “In the morning, my daughter told me that she saw a post on Facebook saying that the person who bought a ticket from this store had won the first prize. I thought I needed to check my result, “- explained the lottery participant.

The Australian woman ran to her husband to tell him the news. “We called our daughter and asked her to read the dropped numbers. Then we learned that our life has changed forever. We had to close the shutters on the windows, because we were shouting with joy, “- said the winner.

She noted that the family received the prize just in time, since the past year was difficult. “It will make our life easier. We hope that we can help children and grandchildren. And we will also retire earlier than planned, “- said the lucky woman.

Earlier it was reported that a resident of the American state of Michigan hit the jackpot thanks to the advice of the seller. She purchased several lottery tickets that were recommended to her by a gas station employee.

