Foreign Policy Names 10 Potential Military Conflicts in 2022

The weakening of US ambitions in the & nbsp; world stage has led to a weakening of a number of major military conflicts. The number of people killed in & nbsp; fighting in & nbsp; all over the world, in & nbsp; has mainly decreased since & nbsp; 2014 & nbsp; & mdash; if you count only those who & nbsp; died directly in the & nbsp; battle.

“ But & nbsp; local conflicts rage more than & nbsp; ever, although they tend to be less intense. By & nbsp; most of the wars of the 21st century are less deadly than & nbsp; their & nbsp; 20th century predecessors. Foreign participation in & nbsp; conflicts creates the risk that & nbsp; local clashes will grow and & nbsp; & nbsp; major powers will be involved & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; by Richard Atwood, Executive Vice President of the International Crisis Group.

The publication notes that & nbsp; do not & nbsp; underestimate the capabilities of the United States: despite the & nbsp; reduction in participation in & nbsp; major conflicts, & nbsp; American power and & nbsp; alliances structured global affairs for decades. In the author's & nbsp; opinion, Washington's ability to create coalitions with & nbsp; deployed across the world and NATO forces still makes them & nbsp; significant players on the & nbsp; world stage. But & nbsp; a lot is changing now, and & nbsp; & nbsp; Washington's rivals are trying to figure out how far they can go. ''

“ A clash between China and & nbsp; the United States over & nbsp; Taiwan is unlikely in & nbsp; 2022, but & nbsp; Chinese and & nbsp; American military increasingly clash around the & nbsp; island and & nbsp; in & nbsp; South China Sea with & nbsp; all the ensuing dangers from here. If the nuclear deal with & nbsp; Iran collapses, which now seems likely, the United States or Israel could try to & nbsp; & mdash; perhaps even in & nbsp; early 2022 & nbsp; & mdash; destroy Iranian nuclear facilities, which is likely to push Tehran towards the creation of weapons. In other words, one failure or miscalculation, and & nbsp; interstate war could resume & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; says Atwood.

The top three potentially dangerous conflicts in 2022 are Ukraine, Ethiopia and Afghanistan.

According to Atwood, Russia's plans on this issue are unclear to the Western world, but & nbsp; to reject this threat as a bluff would be & nbsp; a mistake. The conflict between the military and the & nbsp; forces of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Tygra in & nbsp; Ethiopia can provoke radical Islamists. The situation in & nbsp; Afghanistan is unstable in & nbsp; the fact that & nbsp; from & nbsp; the moment the Taliban arrived (the Taliban movement, is under UN sanctions for & nbsp; terrorist activities) to & nbsp; authorities in & nbsp; August, a humanitarian catastrophe is imminent in the country. UN data indicate & nbsp; that & nbsp; millions of Afghan children can die of hunger.

Atwood also calls the conflicts between the United States and & nbsp; Canada, Iran and & nbsp; the United States and & nbsp; Israel capable of & nbsp; development in & nbsp; 2022 , the situation in & nbsp; Yemen, relations between Palestine and & nbsp; Israel, Haiti, Myanmar and & nbsp; activities of Islamists in & nbsp; Africa.

British experts on December 30 & nbsp; told what could be the scenario of the third world war. According to & nbsp; their & nbsp; opinion, states will use IT technologies. For example, the United Kingdom has cut funding for traditional weapons and & nbsp; has focused on the & nbsp; development of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity.



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