Cossacks will be admitted to civil service for nature protection

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Natural Resources Sergey Anoprienko, found out Kommersant, instructed the subordinate federal services, agencies and registered Cossack societies for & nbsp; vacancies. This follows from & nbsp; a copy of the minutes of the meeting in the & nbsp; department (available from & nbsp; Kommersant).

Members of Cossack societies are instructed to be involved in environmental protection, environmental safety and forest protection, concluding civil contracts with them.

We are talking about & nbsp; mostly about & nbsp; raids and & nbsp; & nbsp; emergency mode.

It is even supposed to consider the possibility of including additional activities in the & nbsp; program of the national project “ Ecology '' on & nbsp; attracting the Cossacks to & nbsp; environmental details with & nbsp; securing financing from the & nbsp; federal budget.

В & nbsp; Ministry of Natural Resources & nbsp; Kommersant & nbsp; it was confirmed. “ In the & nbsp; system of the ministry there are vacancies that the Cossacks could & nbsp; occupy, & nbsp; & mdash; 6137 vacancies & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; stated in the & nbsp; press service.

For new employees, training will be organized on the basis of departmental educational centers. “ The Cossacks will be able to ensure environmental safety in specially protected natural areas after the conclusion of agreements between the registered Cossack societies and the & nbsp; administration of protected areas, & nbsp; & mdash; say there. & mdash; So, & nbsp; already eight territories are ready for & nbsp; this & raquo ;.

The Ministry of Natural Resources explains that now military Cossack societies are helping the regions in the protection and reproduction of forests on a gratuitous basis, and also participate in raids to detect illegal garbage dumps in Kalmykia, Rostov, Saratov and other regions.

Note that in & nbsp; 2020, by a presidential decree in & nbsp; Russia adopted a strategy of state policy in & nbsp; relation to the Cossacks for & nbsp; 2021 & minus; 2030. In & nbsp; it, in & nbsp; in particular, it is recorded that & nbsp; members of the Cossack community must be involved in & nbsp; carrying out state and & nbsp; other service. The government and & nbsp; other government bodies are responsible for & nbsp; execution.

A federal official familiar with the & nbsp; course of implementation of the policy in & nbsp; in relation to the Cossack communities, says that & nbsp; Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the idea of ​​integrating the Cossacks into the & nbsp; state service.

Sergei Kiriyenko, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, has been instructed to deal with Cossack youth.

However, for the most part, it is the Presidential Council that deals with the development of the Cossacks.

According to the & nbsp; source, it is from this structure that ideas come from & nbsp; the development of the practice of attracting Cossacks to & nbsp; civil service. Its head is presidential aide Dmitry Mironov, who oversees personnel issues in the & nbsp; Kremlin in & nbsp; relation to power structures. His deputies are the presidential envoy to the & nbsp; North Caucasus Federal District Yuri Chaika and & nbsp; Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko. The & nbsp; commission includes & nbsp; other influential officials, for example, the head of the presidential department of internal policy Andrei Yarin, who, according to & nbsp; the sources of Kommersant, also in every possible way welcomes the development of the Cossack movement.

“ The salaries of foresters are very small, & nbsp; & mdash; says the interlocutor & ldquo; b & rdquo;. & mdash; So & nbsp; the idea was born to conclude agreements with & nbsp; Cossacks for & nbsp; year. According to & nbsp; he said, this practice & nbsp; has already been tested, and now we are talking about & nbsp; its scaling.

The main & nbsp;, according to & nbsp; & nbsp; a project in & nbsp; the development of the Cossacks & nbsp; & mdash; creation of Cossack battalions in the & nbsp; Russian Guard.

Earlier, Yuri Chaika had already spoken with & nbsp; this initiative & nbsp;, noting that & nbsp; it was approved by Vladimir Putin. Source Kommersant says that & nbsp; the first such battalion may appear in & nbsp; 2022. According to & nbsp; he said the candidates have military service experience. The battalion will be deployed in the & nbsp; North Caucasus Federal District.

Kommersant sent a request to the & nbsp; Russian Guard, but there they were not able to promptly respond to & nbsp; it.

Ataman of the All-Russian Cossack Society Nikolai Doluda told Kommersant that today, in all 12 registered military Cossack societies, more than 30 thousand Cossacks are performing “state and other service”.

Of & nbsp; more than 15 thousand of them are engaged in the maintenance of public order together with & nbsp; police officers, more than 1.2 thousand Cossacks are involved in the & nbsp; protection of state borders, 4.2 thousand people are involved in & nbsp; environmental activities, almost 10 thousand & mdash ; in & nbsp; emergency response.

“ Joint outfits of the Cossacks and & nbsp; police for & nbsp; law enforcement have won the trust of & nbsp; residents of settlements, & nbsp; & mdash; he says. & mdash; I am sure that & nbsp; and & nbsp; henceforth carrying out public service for & nbsp; Cossacks will be a prestigious occupation, and & nbsp; the number of those involved in it will increase. The desire to serve their Motherland and & nbsp; to defend the Fatherland in the & nbsp; Cossacks is laid down at the & nbsp; gene level, and & nbsp; traditions are passed from & nbsp; generation to & nbsp; generation.

Professor of Don State Technical University Vladimir Trut says that & nbsp; now there are several options for interaction with & nbsp; Cossack societies: “ They go out on & nbsp; patrolling, like Soviet vigilantes, & nbsp; free of charge. Either the Cossack societies sign an agreement with the & nbsp; state structure, and & nbsp; they pay purely symbolically & nbsp; & mdash; several thousand in & nbsp; month. In & nbsp; in any case, they always act as help to government agencies, no one & nbsp; does not & nbsp; give them the right to do this on their own. ''



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