Mandatory use of the Russian language in advertising has been canceled in Kazakhstan

Thus, the document is considered adopted by parliament and & nbsp; is sent to the & nbsp; signature of the head of state.

Previously a deputy mazhilis Berik Abdygaliuly reported that & nbsp; in & nbsp; the bill introduced norms aimed at & nbsp; presentation of traditional historically established Kazakh names of administrative-territorial units, settlements, and & nbsp; also other geographical objects, forms and & nbsp; signs in Kazakh & nbsp;. And & nbsp; only when & nbsp; needed & nbsp; & mdash; in & nbsp; Russian and & nbsp; other languages.

According to current legislation, letterheads, signs, advertising and & nbsp; other visual information are set out in & nbsp; Kazakh and & nbsp; Russian, and & nbsp; if & nbsp; necessary and & nbsp; in & nbsp; other languages. All texts of visual information are arranged in & nbsp; in the following order: left or top & nbsp; & mdash; on & nbsp; state, right or bottom & nbsp; & mdash; in & nbsp; Russian, written in letters of the same & nbsp; size.

