Novice footballers from Russia were advised on a way to get into the Spanish team

Young footballers from Russia were told how to get a job in a team in Spain Valencia, gave advice to novice footballers from Russia who want to get a job in the Spanish team. Her story is published by

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Eight years ago, Zhazira Doldakhanova left for Spain for postdoctoral studies at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, and then moved to Spain permanently. At the Football Academy, she arranges screenings for young football players from other countries and helps them obtain the football license, which is necessary to participate in the official games of the Spanish League.

As a rule, scouts picking players for Spanish clubs spot talented newcomers at the matches of the Spanish league and in training, she said. For football players from other countries, this way of getting into the team, as a rule, is not suitable, since representatives of professional academies and football clubs in Spain do not travel to other countries specifically for viewing, she said.

Zhazira Doldakhanova is trying to solve this problem. “The guys from Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan, whom I organized screenings and helped to obtain a license, now successfully train in Spanish football clubs and play in the official games of Spain,” she says. At the same time, they all came to Spain without knowing Spanish.

How do football players from Kazakhstan, Russia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine become my charges? To a large extent, word of mouth is triggered. And someone himself turned to me on the Internet

Zhazira Doldakhanova

Earlier it was reported that a Russian woman who moved to Israel described the peculiarities of the inhabitants of this country. According to her, the Israeli mentality is the complete opposite of the Russian one.



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