Norwegian skier surprised by the ability of her rival from Russia to talk

Russian skier Stepanova said that Norwegian Johaug was surprised at her congratulations silver in the individual race at the World Cup in Lillehamer. This is reported by “Sport-Express”.

According to the Russian woman, the Norwegian was surprised by her ability to speak. “She looked at me with such shock. Like: “What? You congratulated me? Are you surely Russian?” “- added Stepanova.

The athlete also said that she has no language barrier. “Now we need to be on the same wavelength with this world. Open up, talk about yourself, not be afraid to have your own opinion, “the skier emphasized.

Johaug won silver on Saturday, December 4. A day later, Stepanova, as part of the Russian national team, won gold in the relay. The 20-year-old athlete ran in the final stage.

