State Duma deputy Rumyantsev: doctors who do not support QR codes cannot be called doctors doctors. For example, the health care committee member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Rumyantsev condemned the doctors who criticized QR codes on the air of the Duma TV channel.
“The bulk of the doctors will support these initiatives. A doctor who does not support these initiatives is not a doctor, “the State Duma deputy said.
According to him, almost 100 percent of the unvaccinated population gets coronavirus, while the risk of contracting the virus among vaccinated citizens is 3-5 percent.
Earlier it became known that 24.6 percent of doctors support bills on QR codes. More than 17 percent are in favor of tightening it.
Draft amendments on the use of QR codes in public places, which confirm the fact of vaccination against COVID-19 or a previous illness, were submitted to the State Duma on November 12.