Russians will be limited in the use of private cars

Kommersant: the transport strategy of the Russian Federation until 2035 will restrict the use of private cars private cars in favor of public transport. Such measures are aimed at ensuring that car owners do as little harm to the environment as possible, Kommersant writes.

According to the newspaper, within the framework of the strategy it is planned to minimize the use of vehicles with non-environmentally friendly engines, establish “digital control” over the road noise and more than a thousand times increase the number of gas stations for electric vehicles.

Kommersant also writes that drivers who remain loyal to their personal cars will be asked to think about “sharing vehicles” with other citizens. p>

The announcement of the approval of the transport strategy was published on the government website. The document itself, which will appear later, is of a framework nature and includes long-term plans for the development of transport for the next 15 years. It is planned to spend 60 trillion rubles for these purposes.

In September, Russian Transport Minister Vitaly Savelyev announced that the department was developing a large-scale project to improve the public transport system. One of the most important innovations will be the launch of biometrics by 2024. The face recognition function will be introduced to simplify the payment of travel and security checks at airports and train stations.



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