Nazarbayev explained why Kazakhstan did not recognize Crimea as Russian

“There was a referendum [in & nbsp; Crimea on & nbsp; reunification with & nbsp; Russia]. We & nbsp; did not & nbsp; recognize Crimea as Russian, because & nbsp; then I would have to recognize [South] Ossetia, Abkhazia, Kosovo, Kosovo too & nbsp; asks us to & nbsp; [them] recognize & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; he said & nbsp; in & nbsp; featured in & nbsp; Saturday movie & laquo; Qazaq. History of & nbsp; The Golden Man & raquo; (“ Kazakh. The Story of a Golden Man ''), based on & nbsp; his interview with American director Oliver Stone.

At this, Nazarbayev recalled that & nbsp; and & nbsp; the Ukrainian side Kazakhstan did not & nbsp; support.

“ All this arose due to the & nbsp; coup that happened in & nbsp; Kiev. I love Ukraine, I & nbsp; studied there and & nbsp; worry about & nbsp; what is & nbsp; is happening & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; indicated by the first president of the republic.

