Vektor assessed the possibility of contracting two strains at the same time

Semyonov, head of the Vector branch: two strains of COVID-19 can be infected, but this is rare

Two strains of coronavirus can be infected This is how Alexander Semyonov, head of the branch of the State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology “Vector” of Rospotrebnadzor in Yekaterinburg, assessed the possibility of infection with several variants of infection, he is quoted by TASS.

quite rare events, “Semyonov said.

According to him, different mutations of COVID-19 affect certain human organs in different ways. The specialist cited the example of the Wuhan variant, in which the central nervous system was affected, due to which the person's sense of smell disappeared.

With the delta strain, he stressed, this symptom is not the main sign of infection.

People have rhinorrhea debuting faster, that is, uncontrolled nasal discharge, pneumonia develops faster, that is, the virus goes down, “added the head of the branch.

Earlier, Semenov assessed the chances of combining coronavirus and Ebola … According to him, such a synthesis is “from the realm of cheap Hollywood fiction,” since the two viruses have different genetic structures. The specialist compared Ebola and COVID-19 with a mermaid and a horse.



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