US reconnaissance aircraft fly record number of flights near China

South China Morning Post: US flies 94 reconnaissance flights off the coast of China

by the sea near the coast of the PRC. This is reported by the South China Morning Post with reference to data from the Chinese analytical center SCSPI.

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In November, the center recorded 94 such departures of American aircraft. This is 30 percent more than the previous record of 75 departures set in February.

According to SCSPI, 80 percent of reconnaissance operations used P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft. The US also used an MQ-4C drone and an E-8C air-to-ground surveillance aircraft.

According to the center, the United States has also expanded its reconnaissance range. Thus, the P-8A aircraft flew over the Taiwan Strait, 29 kilometers from the territorial waters of mainland China.

Washington has increased the number of reconnaissance flights amid the intensified campaign of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA) in the strait. Beijing considers Taiwan to be its breakaway province and, if Taipei refuses to make political concessions, it does not rule out the use of force to establish control over the self-governing island.

Earlier, satellites spotted a Chinese nuclear submarine with ballistic missiles in the Taiwan Strait. Columnist for the United States Naval Institute H.I. Sutton said that the advanced PLA 094 submarine carries JL-2 ballistic missiles with a range of about seven thousand kilometers, capable of hitting the northeastern United States.



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