Russian judge was interrogated for five hours in the case of a bribe of 50 thousand dollars

“Kommersant”: the judge of the Moscow Arbitration Court testified for 5 hours, she was not charged during interrogation in the case of a bribe of 50 thousand dollars. This is reported by Kommersant.

According to the newspaper, the suspect was taken to the investigator after searches in two of her apartments. Her lawyer Aleksey Kovalev insists on the absence of corpus delicti in Kondrat's actions and the event of a crime, which is a provocation. According to the investigation, the judge invited her colleague Elena Makhalkina to make the “necessary” decision in the case of the construction company. The FSB of Russia spent six months developing Kondrat, and as a result, in the fall of 2020, she was detained red-handed while transferring 50 thousand dollars to Makhalkina. Actually, it was she who passed Kondrat by filing an application with the FSB.

Kondrat claims that she lent her money to a colleague to buy an apartment. After testifying, she was released without charge. She remains a suspect. The lawyer is going to petition to end the criminal prosecution of Kondrat.

On December 2, in the apartments of the judge and her husband, former Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Ivan Kondrat, the security forces conducted searches, seizing phones and computers.

The case of bribery against a judge was initiated by the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, after the Supreme Qualification Collegium of Judges agreed to bring Kondrat to criminal liability.



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