Taxi that threatened Russia's safety surrendered under pressure from Beijing

Chinese taxi aggregator DiDi will leave the New York Stock Exchange , announced his departure from the New York Stock Exchange five months after the initial public offering (initial public offering) of shares in the stock market, to be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange soon, CNBC reports. DiDi said the decision was made after “careful scrutiny”, but Bloomberg wrote last week that the Chinese authorities are forcing the company to leave the US market. Thus, DiDi surrendered under pressure from Beijing. In addition to placing on the stock exchange in Hong Kong, the option of direct privatization of DiDi was considered, although such a development event could cause dissatisfaction with shareholders and lead to lawsuits against the company, the newspaper noted. “I think China has made it clear that it no longer wants to allow technology companies to enter the US markets because it puts them under the

Murashko assessed the incidence of COVID-19 in Russia

Health Minister Murashko: the wave of COVID-19 incidence in Russia is declining Head of the Ministry of Health of Russia Mikhail Murashko said that the wave of the incidence of COVID-19 in the country is declining. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. The number of patients with coronavirus is now approaching 900 thousand, the minister said. Earlier Murashko said that more than 70 million citizens in Russia were vaccinated against COVID-19. Over the past week, the number of vaccinated citizens over 60 years old has increased.

Olympic champion commented on the relationship between Russian and Ukrainian athletes

Olympic boxing champion Evgeny Tishchenko on the enmity between Russia and Ukraine: sport outside politics Russian and Ukrainian athletes. His words are quoted by RBC. “Sports are out of politics. And we treat Ukrainians quite normally, we do not have any political background, ”the Russian athlete commented on the situation. He added that both sides understand that ordinary people do not influence the political situation. According to Tishchenko, Russia and Ukraine should not be at enmity. Tishchenko is the 2016 Olympic champion, 2015 world champion and two-time European champion (2015, 2017). He is also the current champion according to the World Boxing Council (WBC). Earlier it became known that the Russian national football team will not meet with Ukraine in the play-off matches for getting to the 2022 World Cup. According to the decision of the executive committee of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), the teams will be

Akademovsky maniac who committed suicide went to murder for the sake of changing the colony

Source: Akademovsky maniac Lytkin tried to commit a new murder to change the colony Nikita Lytkin, also known as Akademovsky maniac in the Irkutsk colony on December 1, in 2016, he tried to kill another prisoner in order to get a new term and move to another colony. This was announced on Friday, December 3, by a law enforcement source to According to the source, in 2015, Lytkin, convicted of a series of attacks and murders in the Irkutsk Academgorodok, was transferred to the Kemerovo correctional colony No. 41 (IK-41). In Kemerovo, at the request of his lawyer, Lytkin underwent a forensic psychological and psychiatric examination. Experts concluded that Lytkin suffers from a severe mental disorder, which prevents him from serving his sentence. In August 2016, the Zavodskoy District Court of the city of Kemerovo, on this basis, released Lytkin from further serving his sentence and sent him for

Olympic champion commented on the relationship between Russian and Ukrainian athletes

Olympic boxing champion Evgeny Tishchenko on the enmity between Russia and Ukraine: sport outside politics Russian and Ukrainian athletes. His words are quoted by RBC. “Sports are out of politics. And we treat Ukrainians quite normally, we do not have any political background, ”the Russian athlete commented on the situation. He added that both sides understand that ordinary people do not influence the political situation. According to Tishchenko, Russia and Ukraine should not be at enmity. Tishchenko is the 2016 Olympic champion, 2015 world champion and two-time European champion (2015, 2017). He is also the current champion according to the World Boxing Council (WBC). Earlier it became known that the Russian national football team will not meet with Ukraine in the play-off matches for getting to the 2022 World Cup. According to the decision of the executive committee of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), the teams will be

Akademovsky maniac who committed suicide went to murder for the sake of changing the colony

Source: Academovsky maniac Lytkin tried to commit a new murder to change the colony Nikita Lytkin, also known as the Academician maniac, who in the Irkutsk colony on December 1, in 2016, he tried to kill another prisoner in order to get a new term and move to another colony. This was announced on Friday, December 3, by a law enforcement source to According to the source, in 2015, Lytkin, convicted of a series of attacks and murders in the Irkutsk Academgorodok, was transferred to the Kemerovo correctional colony No. 41 (IK-41). In Kemerovo, at the request of his lawyer, Lytkin underwent a forensic psychological and psychiatric examination. Experts concluded that Lytkin suffers from a severe mental disorder, which prevents him from serving his sentence. In August 2016, the Zavodskoy District Court of the city of Kemerovo, on this basis, released Lytkin from further serving his sentence and sent

Власти обсудят выдачу QR-кодов по отрицательным ПЦР-тестам

Законопроекты о QR-кодах в общественных местах и на транспорте могут дополнить нормой, согласно которой получение QR-кода для посещения общественных мест и передвижения на поездах и самолетах будет возможно на основании отрицательного ПЦР-теста. Об этом РБК рассказали два источника в профильных ведомствах, участвующих в обсуждении концепции законопроектов. О том, что появление и принятие такой нормы высоко вероятно РБК сообщил и источник в Госдуме. 26 ноября в Общественной палате прошли слушания, посвященные законопроектам о QR-кодах, где в числе прочего говорилось о необходимости разрешить гражданам ездить «в экстренных ситуациях», имея на руках отрицательный тест. В действующей редакции законопроектов возможность посещать общественные места и передвигаться на поездах и самолетах на основании отрицательного теста тоже прописана, но на ограниченный срок. Так, посещение общественных мест по результатам отрицательного ПЦР-теста предусмотрено на переходный период до 1 февраля. Что касается воздушного и железнодорожного транспорта, то, согласно законопроекту, передвигаться при наличии отрицательного результата ПЦР-теста будет разрешено только «до даты, которую своим нормативным актом установит правительство». Решение о введении QR-кодов на воздушном и железнодорожном транспорте глава Минтранса Виталий Савельев ранее объяснял большой долей непривитых в транспорте: с августа 2020 по август 2021 года 34 млн человек совершили 90 млн перелетов, 24 млн человек — 84 млн поездок на поезде. То есть за год поездки

The most budgetary destinations for traveling in Russia by train in winter have been named

OneTwoTrip: it is most profitable for Muscovites to travel by train to Rostov Veliky in December December. This is reported by “Gazeta.Ru” with reference to the results of a study of the travel planning service OneTwoTrip. As the experts pointed out, it is most profitable for the residents of the capital to go to Rostov Veliky (ticket prices from 470 rubles), Nizhny Novgorod (from 660 rubles) and St. Petersburg (from 820 rubles) in winter. Kazan (from 850 rubles) and Cheboksary (from 940 rubles) are also among the most weekend destinations for Muscovites. It is beneficial for residents of St. Petersburg to visit Moscow on New Year's holidays: a ticket to the capital will cost only 820 rubles. For 870 rubles from the northern capital, tourists will be able to leave for Petrozavodsk, and for a trip to Nizhny Novgorod, they will have to pay from 1.2 thousand rubles. A trip

MP Rashkin, who killed the elk, was discharged from the hospital

State Duma deputy Rashkin, who confessed to killing a moose while hunting, was discharged from the hospital in relation to which the investigation of the case of illegal hunting is underway, was discharged from the hospital. On Friday, December 3, RIA Novosti reported, citing a source familiar with the situation. The agency's interlocutor clarified that today Rashkin is going to visit the State Duma. At the same time, according to him, the parliamentarian has not yet been summoned for questioning. On November 30, it became known that Valery Rashkin was hospitalized due to an eye disease aggravated by a nervous system, he underwent an operation. On November 25, the deputies voted to deprive the communist of parliamentary immunity. This happened after Rashkin was detained in October in the Saratov region while driving a car, in which the carcass of a dead elk was found. He later confessed to killing the

The most budgetary destinations for traveling in Russia by train in winter have been named

OneTwoTrip: it is most profitable for Muscovites to travel by train to Rostov Veliky in December December. This is reported by “Gazeta.Ru” with reference to the results of a study of the travel planning service OneTwoTrip. As the experts pointed out, it is most profitable for the residents of the capital to go to Rostov Veliky (ticket prices from 470 rubles), Nizhny Novgorod (from 660 rubles) and St. Petersburg (from 820 rubles) in winter. Kazan (from 850 rubles) and Cheboksary (from 940 rubles) are also among the most weekend destinations for Muscovites. It is beneficial for residents of St. Petersburg to visit Moscow on New Year's holidays: a ticket to the capital will cost only 820 rubles. For 870 rubles from the northern capital, tourists will be able to leave for Petrozavodsk, and for a trip to Nizhny Novgorod, they will have to pay from 1.2 thousand rubles. A trip