Russians were given advice on renting a house to celebrate the New Year

“INCOM-Nedvizhimost”: when renting a house for the New Year, it is necessary to check the owner's passport home owner's passport and originals of documents that would confirm ownership. The experts of INKOM-Real Estate gave advice to the Russians, the materials are at the disposal of The lease agreement for the cottage must contain the passport details of the parties, information on the basis on which the owner owns the object, dates rental period and cost. Before check-in, tenants are advised to inspect the house, check the heating, plumbing and sewerage systems. “Turn on the lights in all rooms, and also ask the owner of the house to provide a certificate that there are no utility bills in arrears so as not to be left on New Year's Eve without electricity and water supply. Also check the work of all electrical equipment and the Internet, “the experts advised. Tenants should

The Federation Council announced Russia's readiness for military provocations in Kiev

Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council Kosachev: Russia is ready for military provocations of Kiev Russia admits that Kiev can undertake military provocations against it a cover for Western states, said the vice-speaker of the Federation Council, Konstantin Kosachev, noting that Moscow is ready for this. On Friday, December 3, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the broadcast of the Russia 24 TV channel. “We have information that provocations may be initiated,” the senator said, adding that this situation “Quite predictable.” At the same time, Russia has the right to take measures to ensure its security, he emphasized. Earlier, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Alexei Reznikov called the expected dates for the start of the Russian offensive against the republic. He noted the existing likelihood of a “large-scale escalation” on the part of Moscow and, citing intelligence data, said that the most likely time for it to start is

Perm university changed its mind about collecting money from the student who organized the shooting

RT: Perm State University changed their mind about recovering money from the shooter Bekmansurov shooting on 20 September. The representatives of the university explained their decision on the RT Telegram channel by the fact that they had already managed to repair the damaged walls and windows, as well as restore the entrance lobbies. In November, it was reported that Perm University paid money to the victims from its own funds. Therefore, representatives of the university hoped to recover compensation from Bekmansurov. The young man who arranged the shooting was wounded during arrest, his leg was amputated. Bekmansurov was assigned to a detachment for the disabled in the pre-trial detention center. It is noted that the detachment is closely monitoring the health of disabled people in order to prevent the deterioration of their health. If necessary, they are provided with emergency assistance. The prisoners from the special detachment, where the accused

The Federation Council announced Russia's readiness for military provocations in Kiev

Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council Kosachev: Russia is ready for military provocations of Kiev a cover for Western states, said the vice-speaker of the Federation Council, Konstantin Kosachev, noting that Moscow is ready for this. On Friday, December 3, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the broadcast of the Russia 24 TV channel. “We have information that provocations may be initiated,” the senator said, adding that this situation “Quite predictable.” At the same time, Russia has the right to take measures to ensure its security, he emphasized. Earlier, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Alexei Reznikov called the expected dates for the start of the Russian offensive against the republic. He noted the existing likelihood of a “large-scale escalation” on the part of Moscow and, citing intelligence data, said that the most likely time for it to start is the end of January.

Minsk announced futile efforts of the West to bring disagreeable peoples to their knees

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus called the new sanctions of the West illegal The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Belarus called the new sanctions of the West illegal. The statement was published on the agency's website. “New illegal sanctions by the US, Canada and Great Britain against Belarusian officials and companies dated December 2, 2021 clearly demonstrate to what extent militant democratizers can reach in their vain efforts to bring to their knees the countries and peoples they dislike, ”the Foreign Ministry said. Minsk called the arguments of the supporters of the sanctions about the fault of Belarus in the migration crisis at the borders of the European Union untenable. The Foreign Ministry accused the Western states of destroying the world and the way of life in the countries from which migrants come. “Earlier, we have repeatedly stated that all unfriendly anti-Belarusian steps will be followed by

The winners of the #MYVMESTE award in the “Green Country” nomination have been announced

In Moscow, the winners #WEVMESTE of the track “Volunteers and NGOs” in the nomination “Green Country” were announced “Within the framework of the international forum of civic participation #MYVMESTE, in which volunteers from more than 40 countries, representatives of socially oriented businesses, as well as journalists and bloggers participate, the winners of the #MYVMESTE prize of the track” Volunteers and NGOs “were awarded in the nomination” Green Country “. The winners and laureates of the award were awarded by the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Youth Policy Artem Metelev and Senior Vice President of the VEB.RF asset management unit Anton Grigorov. The first place in the “Green Country” nomination was taken by the #YaBeregu project. Its creator, Anna Chigarina from Moscow, develops an infrastructure for the collection and proper disposal of personal protective equipment and involves residents in this process. For example, more than 100 branded containers have

Golikova named regions with high collective immunity to COVID-19

Golikova: in Chukotka, Tuva, Karelia, St. Petersburg, Moscow immunity to COVID-19 is higher than 72% In Chukotka, in In Tuva, Karelia, St. Petersburg, Moscow and the Moscow region, the collective immunity to COVID-19 is higher than 72 percent. These regions were named by the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova, her words are quoted by TASS. Sevastopol has become the leader of Russia in terms of collective immunity to coronavirus, said the Deputy Prime Minister of the country. Herd immunity rates in Sevastopol amounted to 80.8 percent. Earlier, Golikova, having named regions with high herd immunity rates, called on other Russian subjects to pay attention to their experience. According to the Deputy Prime Minister, Russia needs to achieve a collective immunity to coronavirus of 80 percent.

The advantages of the upgraded Chrysanthemum rocket are named

Military expert Litovkin: the upgraded Chrysanthemum will become invisible to the enemy “. Dmitry Litovkin, editor-in-chief of Nezavisimo Voenniy Obozreniye, called TASS the advantages of improved ammunition. Litovkin noted that the upgraded warhead would increase the missile's ability to hit equipment protected by screens. According to him, the speed of the rocket can also become higher, which will increase the efficiency of overcoming active protection means. “The most important thing is that the complex fires a supersonic missile, which short-range air defense systems, as a rule, do not even see.” , – said Litovkin. The expert added that the use of a rocket in helicopters will allow attacking enemy air defenses while staying out of the affected area. The military expert also noted the Chrysanthemum's resistance to the effects of electronic warfare. Previously, the representative The Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (KBM, part of the High-Precision Complexes holding of the Rostec

Golikova named regions with high collective immunity to COVID-19

Golikova: in Chukotka, Tuva, Karelia, St. Petersburg, Moscow immunity to COVID-19 is higher than 72% In Chukotka, in In Tuva, Karelia, St. Petersburg, Moscow and the Moscow region, the collective immunity to COVID-19 is higher than 72 percent. These regions were named by the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova, her words are quoted by TASS. Sevastopol has become the leader of Russia in terms of collective immunity to coronavirus, said the Deputy Prime Minister of the country. Herd immunity rates in Sevastopol amounted to 80.8 percent. Earlier, Golikova, having named regions with high herd immunity rates, called on other Russian subjects to pay attention to their experience. According to the Deputy Prime Minister, Russia needs to achieve a collective immunity to coronavirus of 80 percent.

Minsk announced futile efforts of the West to bring disagreeable peoples to their knees

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus called the new sanctions of the West illegal The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Belarus called the new sanctions of the West illegal. The statement was published on the agency's website. “New illegal sanctions by the US, Canada and Great Britain against Belarusian officials and companies dated December 2, 2021 clearly demonstrate to what extent militant democratizers can reach in their vain efforts to bring to their knees the countries and peoples they dislike, ”the Foreign Ministry said. Minsk called the arguments of the supporters of the sanctions about the fault of Belarus in the migration crisis at the borders of the European Union untenable. The Foreign Ministry accused the Western states of destroying the world and the way of life in the countries from which migrants come. “Earlier, we have repeatedly stated that all unfriendly anti-Belarusian steps will be followed by