US court sentenced Russian to five years in prison for cyber fraud

US Department of Justice: Russian Alexander Grechishkin was found guilty of cyber fraud in cyber fraud. According to the prosecution, he provided criminals with a program with which they hacked into the networks of American citizens and organizations. This is stated on the website of the US Department of Justice.

The court documents say that from 2009 to 2015 Grichishkin's clients used a kind of “bulletproof hosting”, which allowed them to launch cyberattacks on individuals and legal entities in the United States. The damage is estimated at millions of dollars.

According to the investigation, the Russian advertised his services in online forums to combat cybercrime, where he also hired employees. In addition, he helped clients evade responsibility.

Earlier, the American court also found two Grichishkin accomplices guilty: a 30-year-old Estonian citizen Pavel Shtassi and a 33-year-old Lithuanian citizen Alexander Skorodumov. They were sentenced to 2 and 4 years in prison, respectively.



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