The RAS evaluated the effectiveness of “Sputnik V” against the omicron-strain

Virologist Netesov: Russian Sputnik V will be effective against the omicron strain

The specialist recalled that precise indicators of the effectiveness of vaccines against the omicron strain will appear in the coming months. Nevertheless, Netesov urged Russians not to waste time and get vaccinated against coronavirus infection.

“In Europe, this option is already running, it is already in at least ten countries, which means that if it has not yet come to us, it will come in the coming days, “the virologist suggested.

Earlier, Kamil Khafizov, the head of the scientific group for the development of new diagnostic methods based on sequencing technologies at the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, also admitted the imminent appearance of the omicron strain of coronavirus in Russia.

A new strain under the code B.1.1.529 was detected in South Africa on November 11, isolated cases were also recorded in Japan, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Egypt, Austria and other countries. The head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that there are no cases of infection with the new strain in Russia.

