The RAS assessed the discovery of an antibody that neutralizes all strains of coronavirus

Biologist Baranova: an antibody that neutralizes all strains of coronavirus will not improve the epidemiological situation the situation in the country. This is how the discovery of Chinese scientists was assessed by Ancha Baranova, professor at the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (Virginia, USA), Chief Researcher at the Laboratory of Functional Genomics at the Medical Genomics Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RIA Novosti reports.

On Monday, December 1, Chinese scientists announced the discovery of a neutralizing antibody 35B5, which, according to them, could become the basis for the creation of a universal vaccine against coronavirus.

helps against him, you can't. In addition, I believe that if we now begin to massively use antibodies in treatment, a new strain will emerge that is resistant to them, ā€¯Baranova said.

She added that the use of antibodies for treatment is impossible due to the high the cost of their allocation. Thus, technologically, this discovery will not help in the real fight against COVID-19.

Earlier, Roman Zinovkin, a leading researcher at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology at Moscow State University, assessed the discovery of this antibody. He also said that such drugs are very expensive – they are used for wealthy patients in extremely difficult cases. Due to the rare use of such a drug, a variant of the coronavirus that will not be recognized by the antibody will not appear soon, he said.

