The nutritionist named the most harmful breakfast

Nutritionist Burak: the most harmful for breakfast is donuts, pancakes and muffins

American nutritionist Laura Burak named the most harmful breakfast shapes. Her words are quoted by Eat This, Not That!

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Burak said that the worst breakfast option would be food with a high sugar content, such as donuts, pancakes and muffins. She explained that consuming “empty calories” in the form of sugar can lead to high blood cholesterol levels. At the same time, a sweet breakfast lacks the protein and fiber necessary for the body, so the feeling of fullness passes very quickly.

As an alternative to sweet pastries, the doctor suggests eating oatmeal for breakfast and adding protein to it. She also included avocados, boiled eggs and whole grain bread as healthy foods.

Earlier it was reported that American nutritionist Laura Burak called a way to make oatmeal for breakfast more nutritious and healthy for the figure. Combining oatmeal with protein, she says, will become a complete meal that will help stabilize blood sugar levels and prolong feelings of fullness.



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