The Kremlin explained the placement of “Bastion” in the Kuril Islands

Peskov about “Bastion” in the Kuriles: Russia is free to place military objects on its territory

Russia is free to place military objects on its territory, which it considers appropriate. This was stated by a Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, explaining the appearance in the Kuril Islands of calculations of the coastal missile complex (DBK) “Bastion”, reports TASS.

“Russia is free to place on its territory those objects that it considers (necessary), and in those areas of our country in which it considers appropriate. This is our sovereign right, this is the right of any state, it is unlikely that it can be challenged by anyone, “the press secretary of the head of state said.

As previously reported, the calculations of the Pacific Fleet's DBK (Pacific Fleet) were first deployed and took up duty on the Kuril island of Matua. An autonomous military town has been deployed on the island – it has completed work on the improvement of premises for year-round service and residence of personnel.

It is noted that equipment, personnel and materiel were delivered to the island zone by large landing ships of Primorskaya flotilla of diverse forces of the Pacific Fleet.

