The girl kicked her sister and her boyfriend out of the house because of his peculiarity

The girl shared the story of how she kicked out her sister and her boyfriend because of his nightly screams

A Reddit user shared a story about how how she had to kick out her sister and her boyfriend because of one of his features.

According to the heroine of the story, her sister and her boyfriend were supposed to stay at her house. They arrived on Thanksgiving and had fun and drinks. Towards evening, the couple went to the guest room, where they spent the night.

As it turned out later, the young man screams loudly at night due to mental illness. “I knew that he had post-traumatic stress disorder, but I had no idea that it would somehow manifest itself,” she explained.

The next morning, the narrator asked the guy if it was okay that he yelled like that at night, or if it was due to the fact that they were drinking yesterday. After that, he was embarrassed and did not talk to her anymore, so she turned to her sister with the same question. She said that this happens to him every night. “After that, I asked them to move out for the remaining two days, because I didn’t want to endure such screams in my house, because I also needed to sleep,” the girl said.

As a result, the girl’s sister was offended because she had previously promised that the couple could stay with her. “I told her that I didn’t know that their visit would be accompanied by such terrible screams, to which she replied that I should learn to empathize,” said the author of the post and added that she bought everyone tickets to the theater, where they probably already do not go away.

In the comments under the post, users noted that the author's sister should have warned her that the guy has such a feature. In their opinion, the girl deliberately kept silent about this fact in order not to pay money for rental housing.

Earlier, a Reddit user shared a story about how her mother's husband kicked her out of the house. According to the girl, this happened after she refused to take her stepfather's last name.

