The deputy who cursed at the meeting of the Moscow City Duma explained her behavior

Deputy Metlina explained swearing at the online commission on culture by the unexpected broadcast of

Moscow City Duma deputy Natalya Metlina explained the swearing during an online meeting Commission for Culture and Mass Communications in that she was sure that she was not on the air. This is reported by the publication “Rise”.

“A man came to me, we discussed a dramatic situation related to the treatment of a child. It was a simple everyday conversation. I didn't even know that I had pressed the button to speak. I was in the window and they turned me on. I did not hear, I continued my conversation, “she said.

She also noted that the use of” strong army expressions “in her everyday life is not a secret for anyone and expressed surprise that what happened in the middle October, the incident has just hit the media.

“The fact that we use strong military expressions in everyday life is no secret to anyone. How else to describe the events that are happening around us? I can't always restrain myself, “the deputy complained.

Metlina also said that her colleagues took into account the accident of what happened, and there were no disciplinary consequences for the incident.

On November 30, the deputy The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the Servant of the People party Ihor Negulyevsky, apparently believing that the microphone was turned off, swore obscenities before inviting his colleagues to honor a minute of silence in memory of those killed in the gas explosion in the Nikolaev region.

