The Chinese came up with a Swiss scientist for the sake of fakes about the United States and COVID-19

Meta: Chinese users invented a Swiss scientist to fake COVID-19 in the US

Chinese Facebook users came up with the idea of ​​creating an account of the Swiss scientist Wilson Edwards, who for almost a month spread fakes about the coronavirus infection and the United States. In particular, the fictional researcher accused the American authorities of manipulating data on COVID-19 in order to accuse Beijing. Business Insider writes about this with reference to a statement from Meta.

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The “scientist's” statements were especially active on Facebook and Twitter between July 24 and August 10. He published statements that the United States was intimidating its citizens and convincing them of the Chinese involvement in the emergence of SARS-CoV-2. During this time, Edwards' fakes spread on social networks, and they were also reprinted by the state media in China.

Facebook blocked the user's account only on August 10. This happened after the representatives of the Swiss authorities confirmed: a citizen of the country with that name does not exist. At the same time, it became known that Edwards' account was created on the eve of July 24 in 12 hours.

On August 2, members of the Republican Party from the US House of Representatives released a report, which provided evidence of a coronavirus leak from a laboratory in Wuhan. The Republicans' report was based on information from open sources. The authors of the document also called on the US government to impose sanctions against scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

