The best tourist routes have been chosen in Russia

The winners of the “Route of the Year” All-Russian Tourism Award have been announced

The final of the “Route of the Year” All-Russian Tourism Award has been held in Perm. In 2021, 445 projects from 60 regions of the country took part in it. This is reported on the official website of the award.

So, in the category “Best weekend itinerary”, the grand prix won the tour “Discovering the secrets of Parma, we get to know ourselves”, which takes place in the Perm region. The authors of the route are the Friends of Parma company, which organizes tours in the region and in the Urals as a whole.

The best adventure route was the program “In the footsteps of Przhevalsky” in Bashkiria. According to the portal “Our Ural”, this is a three-day horse-riding route, which assumes full immersion in the era. The program includes a horseback tour along the Irandek ridge with a stop at the Gadelsha waterfall, overnight in a yurt, as well as many master classes. resort – Sheregesh, and the best interregional tour was recognized as the “Dyatlov Pass-Manpupuner Plateau” in the Perm Territory. In addition, awards were given for the best city itinerary, the best online tours, cruises, ideas and many other types of travel products.

Earlier it was reported that the most popular city in Russia where tourists go to celebrate the New Year together , became Yalta.

