Senator spoke about Pfizer vaccination of Crimeans on the border with Ukraine

Federation Council member Tsekov: Pfizer's vaccination on the border of Ukraine and Crimea looks like a PR stunt with vaccines against coronavirus Pfizer and Moderna looks like a PR move, Senator from the Republic of Crimea Serhiy Tsekov expressed this opinion in an interview with the TV channel “360”.

On December 1, the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine announced that Ukrainian checkpoints of entry-exit (CPVV) “Kalanchak” and “Chongar” near the borders of Crimea began to vaccinate against coronavirus with foreign drugs Moderna, Pfizer and Coronavac.

A member of the Federation Council noted that, in his opinion, few residents of the Russian peninsula will take the opportunity to get vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna.

Tsekov stressed that the Crimeans have already sufficiently understood the issue of vaccination against coronavirus. According to him, many citizens will gladly vaccinate with the domestic drug “Sputnik V”. In addition, one should not forget that part of society is against any vaccinations, the senator added.

