Scientists noted the absence of severe cases of omicron-strain disease

Australian scientists pointed to the lack of evidence of the danger of the omicron strain the coronavirus strain is absent. This indicates that it should not be considered more dangerous than other types of infection. Bloomberg writes about this with reference to the statement of the chief physician of Australia Paul Kelly.

“Among the almost 300 cases of infection that are observed in several countries around the world, the symptoms are quite mild, or they are not at all,” Kelly said .

At the same time, the lack of evidence of the danger of the omicron-strain does not mean that it is completely harmless. In addition, until scientists have figured out how the existing vaccines against COVID-19 will cope with the new type of virus.

Earlier, the director of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg suggested that the omicron may have an incubation period of about 12- 14 days. If at the same time it turns out to be highly infectious, then it will be able to displace the delta strain and immunize the population.

