Russians were warned of the rise in the cost of rental housing

LIFE: rental rates for residential real estate in Russia will grow by 7-10 percent per year with a rate of up to 30 thousand rubles per month, in the regions the prices are lower, but super-cheap options also quickly find tenants. Alexey Krichevsky, an expert on the real estate market of the Academy of Finance and Investment Management, told LIFE.

According to the expert, the remaining and emerging inexpensive housing offers “fly away in just a couple of hours.” “The forecast that in December the rental price will increase has already justified itself,” Krichevsky said.

The expert explained the rise in rental rates by the return of nonresident students and workers to the capital, as well as by the growth of owners' expenses. The cost of renting residential real estate in Russia will grow by 7-10 percent per year, Krichevsky warned. Many, according to him, are beginning to rent out housing officially and pay taxes. In addition, there is an annual indexation of utility bills.

Krichevsky also suggested that in 2022, the reassessment of the cadastral value of housing would force Muscovites to increase rental rates. Real estate taxes will rise, and accordingly, some will want to shift the increased costs to tenants.

Earlier, experts from the Real Estate Market Indicators (IRN) analytical center said that the economic situation in Russia remains difficult, so growth can hardly be expected income of tenants. Accordingly, there are no prerequisites for a noticeable increase in rates either. In addition, an increase in the cost of rental housing in the foreseeable future will be hampered by the entry into the rental market of apartments purchased during the recent excitement in the market of new buildings.



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