Russians have discovered a way to rent an apartment at a higher price

INKOM-Nedvizhimost: lack of repairs reduces the rental rate by 5-10 percent

Russians who want to rent out at the highest rates, it is worth choosing apartments in modern buildings, but not in new buildings – there the cost of rent is usually 10 percent lower, Oksana Polyakova, deputy director of the apartment rental department at INKOM-Real Estate, told the Prime agency.

According to Polyakova, citizens who already own an “extra” apartment should think about how to increase its liquidity. The expert revealed a way to rent an object at a higher price: renovated apartments, according to her, are rented out faster. The absence of cosmetic repairs reduces the rate by 5-10 percent, but it is not worth spending too much money on upgrading economy-class housing – the cost of renting a lot on the outskirts will still not grow much.

Repair costs should not exceed two or three rent rates, otherwise the update will be unprofitable, Polyakova said. She recommended, first of all, to pay attention to plumbing fixtures, sockets, windows and doors, walls and household appliances.

The specialist also highlighted the importance of competently showing the apartment to potential tenants. You need to be discreet but kind. It is possible to point out the advantages of housing, but unobtrusively. It is not worth talking about the shortcomings of previous tenants, Polyakova emphasized.

Earlier it turned out that tenants in large regional centers of Russia are ready to pay an average of 24 thousand rubles a month for rented housing. More than half of the tenants of rental apartments would not like to enter into a lease agreement with an annual indexation of rates.

