Russian woman who rested in Hurghada revealed the popular schemes of “divorce” of tourists

A Russian woman who rested in Egypt complained that the “divorce” of tourists begins at the airport

three popular schemes to deceive tourists by local residents. She told about them in her personal blog on the Yandex.Zen platform.

The girl complained that the “divorce” of tourists begins immediately after arriving at the resort, at the airport. For example, a Russian woman noted that a visa to Egypt costs 25 dollars (about 1.8 thousand rubles), while most travelers prefer to pay for an entry document upon arrival.

“We did the same, and knowing full well, that a visa costs 25 dollars, led to 27 (1.9 thousand rubles), at the “anex tour” counter. Then they explained to us that if they had walked a little further from these intermediaries, they would have paid the normal price, “the traveler said.

The girl also warned tourists against buying a SIM card at the airport. As a local resident explained to the author of the blog, foreign travelers pay for 8 GB of Internet, but in fact they get 1 GB – such deception schemes are not suppressed even at the state level.

Another trick is the lack of price tags in stores. The Russian woman warned that the Egyptians often cheat, naming any value of the goods. “You have to be able to bargain, but you still won’t win,” the tourist concluded.

Earlier in November, a Russian tourist visited a budget hotel in Egypt and spoke about the contingent of tourists. As the author admitted, when booking an inexpensive hotel, he feared that he would encounter inadequate guests, but in the end the traveler was pleasantly surprised by the behavior of his compatriots.

