Russian immunologist has identified the most dangerous distributors of COVID-19

Doctor Kryuchkov: people with severe immunodeficiency are carriers of complex mutations COVID-19

People with strong immunodeficiency are carriers of new complex mutations COVID-19, they can be identified as the most dangerous spread of infection to others. This opinion was shared in an interview with by the general director of the contract research company “KEG”, Russian immunologist Nikolai Kryuchkov.

The doctor even proposed to partially isolate such a group of citizens. “Infection with COVID-19 is very dangerous for them, as the body may not be able to cope. The virus evolves, and as a result, these patients themselves may not survive, “- said Kryuchkov.

In turn, the infectious disease specialist, leading researcher at the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, Oleg Yurin, noted that with severe immunodeficiency, the coronavirus vaccine will not work. He believes that the virus in the human body with severe immunodeficiency will adapt and form a new species.

Earlier, Doctor of Medical Sciences, leading researcher of the Tyumen Cardiological Research Center Elena Yaroslavskaya said that more than half of the people who had had COVID-19, cardiac deformity appears.

