Russian governor speculates about suicide bombers at coronavirus meeting

The Kursk governor called those who refuse to stay at home as death row owners

The Governor of the Kursk Region, Roman Starovoyt, during a meeting of the situation center compared the owners of the vaccinations who refuse to stay at home with the death row owners. The video of the meeting was published in the group of the regional administration on VKontakte.

This formulation was made in response to the words of Deputy Governor Andrei Belostotsky that many people in the region arrange medical treatment for vaccinations, while continuing to visit restaurants and shops and other public places.

“They are death row, Andrei Viktorovich, do you understand? Well, a person does not want to live, ”said the governor.

Starovoit noted that a limited list of indications can serve as a sufficient basis for medical removal: cancer therapy, preparation for surgery and allergy to vaccination components.

During the meeting, Starovoit also criticized opponents of QR- codes for vaccinated, suggesting that instead of him “walk with a crumpled piece of paper, like the Old Believers.” “Many now have paranoia about QR codes, digitalization (…) A person does not want to have a QR code – a convenient digital reading, let him go with a certificate, with this crumpled piece of paper, like an old believer, and show it everywhere, well, it's okay “, – he said.

Earlier, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Transport Rifat Shaikhutdinov suggested that opponents of vaccination” go to the forest, sit there and not infect anyone. ” The phrase “my body is my business”, in his opinion, cannot be used as an excuse for anti-vaccine users.

