Russian doctors assessed the chances of defeating COVID-19 in the near future

RBC: most doctors do not expect a decrease in the incidence of coronavirus soon

Russian doctors have assessed the chances of defeating COVID-19 in the near future. This is reported by RBC with reference to a study by Rosgosstrakh Life, Rosgosstrakh and the Doctor at Work platform for doctors.

According to the survey, most doctors do not believe that soon the incidence of coronavirus will be significant will decrease. So, 42 percent of doctors said they expect a slight increase, and 29 percent – a significant increase. At the same time, 11 percent of respondents noted that the trend towards a decrease in the incidence will continue in the near future.

One of the main reasons that hinder the fight against the spread of infection, doctors called the unwillingness of some Russians to observe self-isolation after contact with suspected carriers, for 84 percent of the respondents voted for it. Also, doctors indicated that many citizens do not wear masks (77 percent of respondents), actively visit public places (74 percent) and do not want to be vaccinated (73 percent).

Previously, director of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Gamaleya Alexander Gintsburg called the condition for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Gunzburg clarified that the situation with coronavirus infection will stabilize if 70-75 percent of the population has the required amount of antibodies. “A pandemic … if it is caused by an airborne pathogen … will end when 70-75% of the population is vaccinated. Not just vaccinated, but, accordingly, will have the required amount of protective antibodies. Then the epidemic process will be self-extinguishing, and not flaring up, which it is at the present time, “the specialist emphasized.

