Revealed major mistakes when washing linen

Ariel representative: lowering the water temperature during washing is less harmful to the environment performed when washing linen. Relevant material is published by The Sun.

An unnamed company spokesman said that consumers rarely think about the negative impact of frequent automatic washes on the environment. According to the expert, lowering the temperature of the water during washing causes much less harm to the environment.

“If the people of Great Britain washed their clothes in cold water, it would be tantamount to removing about half a million cars from the roads: this amount of CO2 (carbon dioxide) is saved due to seemingly small things, ”he stressed.

In addition, the study showed that 68 percent of respondents always separate white from colored underwear, while 29 percent admitted that they do not sort things – this, according to experts, is a mistake. In addition, 51 percent of respondents said that they accidentally used bleach when washing colored laundry.

According to an Ariel spokesman, you should not neglect the settings of your washing machine. The specialist recommended using a different washing mode for all items, as delicate items can easily deteriorate.

In the course of the study, experts also revealed that survey participants often forget to check their pockets, which is why they accidentally send napkins or coins into the drum. It is known that more than half of the respondents wash clothes at the lowest possible temperature, while 51 percent fear that washing at 30 degrees or below will not clean the clothes properly.

It is noted that among the respondents there were those who tries to protect the environment and minimize its pollution. For example, 66 percent only start washing when the drum is full to save water and energy.

In September, Deyan Dimitrov, the founder of the international laundry chain Laundryheap, uncovered major mistakes in washing laundry. He assured that bleach does not make clothes lighter. According to him, the use of the said product leads to rapid wear of fabrics and spoils the quality of things made of wool, leather and silk. “Instead of bleach, add half a glass of white vinegar to the washing machine,” he said.



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