Olympic champion reacted to the cancellation of the Grand Prix final in figure skating

Former figure skater Natalya Bestemyanova on the cancellation of the Grand Prix final in Japan: sad news

Cancellation of the Grand Prix final in figure skating Japanese Osaka is very sad news. Olympic champion in ice dancing Natalya Bestemyanova told Lenta.ru about this.

“Of course, the skaters are upset, because they tried to qualify for this tournament and really wanted to perform. However, I do not think that the cancellation of the competition will greatly affect the preparation for the Olympics, “the athlete added.

The Russian woman also reacted to the information about the possible postponement of the tournament. “It's impossible. It will not be possible to postpone it to a later date due to the national championships, which will be a selection for the Olympics and will be held in all countries in December, “Bestemyanova said.

She also added that from December 9 to 12 the tournament not a single country, including Russia, will be able to accept. “We need to coordinate everything with the authorities, organize the arrival of athletes who were supposed to fly out on Sunday. It is unrealistic to do this in such a short time, “the figure skater emphasized.

The cancellation of the Grand Prix final, which was to be hosted by Osaka from December 9 to December 12, became known earlier on Thursday, December 2. Honored coach of the USSR in figure skating Tatyana Tarasova said that Russia would be able to organize the tournament as soon as possible.

