More than eight billion vaccinations against COVID-19 have been made worldwide

The number of coronavirus vaccinations in the world has exceeded 8 billion

The number of coronavirus vaccinations in the world has exceeded eight billion. This is reported by TASS, citing official statements from the authorities and media statistics.

Most of the vaccinations (4.16 billion) were in three countries – China (2.5 billion), India (1.2 billion) and United States (0.46 billion). In total, people in the world received 8.03 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine. It is noted that it is not possible to determine the exact number of vaccinations due to the fact that many countries report only the number of certified doses of vaccines and the number of vaccinations given. At the same time, revaccination of the population began in a number of states.

Earlier it was reported that the FRG authorities decided to restrict access to shops for unvaccinated citizens. According to media reports, residents will only be able to visit pharmacies and supermarkets and meet in small companies – up to two people. The rule does not apply to children. Bars and clubs across the country will be closed. The plans to tighten measures are going to be discussed on December 2 by the outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel, her successor Olaf Scholz and the authorities of 16 federal states.

