Milonov offered to issue recommendations for Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens

Vitaly Milonov: let Rospotrebnadzor issue instructions for Santa Claus

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children In connection with the coronavirus pandemic, issue recommendations for Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens who are going to visit families during the New Year's holidays. His words are reported by RIA Novosti.

According to the politician, Santa Claus must be vaccinated, since this is a matter of the safety and responsibility of parents. “Santa Claus visits several families a day, and he can be a carrier of infection. Let Rospotrebnadzor issue instructions for Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens, ”he explained. At the same time, Milonov noted that the tradition should not be canceled.

The fact that the Russian Santa Claus from Veliky Ustyug was one of the first to be vaccinated against the coronavirus became known in October. In addition, he regularly takes COVID-19 tests and prepares for future meetings with children.

