Lukashenko spoke about the external management of Ukraine

President of Belarus Lukashenko: Ukraine is under external control

Today Ukraine is under external control. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said this in an interview with RIA Novosti.

He spoke about the external leadership of the neighboring republic and accused the Ukrainian authorities of sabotaging his initiatives to resolve the conflict in Donbass. “The question is: why? Because they did not rule then, and even more so now, their country, “- explained Lukashenko.

The head of state stressed that he was involved in what is happening in Ukraine not of his own free will, but at the suggestion of his Ukrainian and Russian colleagues. At the same time, the Belarusian president noted that even then he understood that it would be “hot” in Minsk.

Lukashenka added that he intends to be with those “who want to save Ukraine and not turn it into a hotbed of aggression” against “ fraternal Russia “and” even more fraternal Belarus. ” the “nationalist frenzy” taking place in Ukraine.



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