Lukashenka answered the question about the nomination for the next presidential term

Lukashenko found it difficult to unequivocally answer the question about the next presidential term

next presidential elections. This is how Lukashenko answered the question about the possibility of a new nomination for the presidency of Belarus, BelTA informs.

“I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t know, ”the incumbent Belarusian president said.

Lukashenka found it difficult to make an unambiguous decision because of the situation in Belarus. In his opinion, this is a key factor on which the possibility of his next presidential term will depend. Judging by his words, Lukashenka is not satisfied with the current state of affairs.

“I don’t think about it, because I’m not going to abandon the big politics that we have before our eyes today. Unfortunately, these are hard times, ”he answered when asked how he would like to see his role in history.

Earlier, Lukashenka did not rule out holding early presidential elections in the near future. He called the changes in the Belarusian constitution and the president's decision as the reason for the postponement.



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