Guzman called the anti-Axis statements a crime

Director Yuli Gusman believes that opponents of vaccinations “are utter nonsense” … An interview with him was published on the YouTube-channel RTVI.

According to Guzman, many opponents of vaccinations, including his acquaintances, are “complete nonsense.” He noted that at the same time he is very fond of the actress Maria Shukshina, who opposes vaccination.

“People are offered a cure for death in the literal sense of the word. This is terrible, as a doctor, I tell you, this is the hardest death. And these intelligent people, as it were, my good friends, actors, all kinds of writers – this is complete nonsense that they are talking about, “- said the director.

Earlier, the chief doctors of large covid hospitals in Russia were invited to red zones of hospitals where patients with COVID-19, known anti-vaccines, lie. These are the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and “Fair Russia” Gennady Zyuganov and Sergei Mironov, Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy, political scientist Sergei Kurginyan, actress Maria Shukshina, singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, TV presenter Oscar Kuchera, musician Konstantin Kinchev, singer and composer Yuri Loza.



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