FSB detained Ukrainian preparing terrorist attack in Russia

The FSB detained a Ukrainian intelligence agent on the Russian border who was preparing a terrorist attack defense (GUR MO) of Ukraine. This is reported by “Interfax”.

23-year-old Alexander Tsilyk admitted that he was recruited by Lieutenant Colonel Maksim Kirilovets, an employee of the operational department of the Special Reserve of the GUR MO.

According to the plan, the young man was supposed to undermine two improvised explosive devices weighing 1.5 kilograms of TNT.

To equip the caches, he, accompanied by Kirilovets and two other Ukrainian intelligence officers, illegally crossed the Russian border more than once. In one of these sorties, Tsilyka was detained by the FSB. The secret service noted that the Ukrainian was on his way to the scene of the crime, he had means of destruction with him.

Earlier, the FSB announced the arrest of two SBU agents for collecting data on strategically important Russian enterprises. They were promised ten thousand dollars for their work.

