Found a revolutionary replacement for natural leather

The Guardian: Mushroom material is stronger than animal skin and safer for the planet clothes and accessories. The company said that the material from mushrooms is stronger and many times safer for the planet, writes The Guardian.

Raw materials called Fine Micellium are made from mycelium (the vegetative body of fungi and actinomycetes, consisting of thin branched filaments) – for this mushroom is grown in special trays for several weeks. The biomaterial can be immediately reshaped and sized to reduce waste in leather production.

According to MycoWorks head Dr Matt Scullin, the tactile feel and appearance of this leather is no different from calf leather. or sheep, however, it surpasses it in durability and does not harm the planet. Fine Micellium is not associated with burning forests for livestock feed, does not pollute the atmosphere with emissions of methane (a powerful greenhouse gas from the life of animals) and decomposes much faster.

Scullin predicted that custom-grown material would fundamentally change the fashion industry – designers will start to build not on the type of finished product, but on environmentally friendly raw materials. Fine Micellium has already released an exclusive Hermès bag. However, the head of MycoWorks is confident that the material will become an impetus for innovation outside the fashion industry.

In addition to luxury brands, sportswear manufacturer Adidas is also thinking about creating goods from mushrooms. The company has released a line of Stan Smith Mylo sneakers. However, mushroom-based raw materials can become an environmentally friendly alternative to materials in various fields – they are used to build houses, make fish food and even coffins.

